


Assistant Professor/Director of 博彩平台 in 业务 & 领导


  • Mount Mercy大学 MBA
  • BS Mount Mercy大学
  • 柯克伍德社区学院


罗根Stoops, Assistant Professor and Director of 业务 & 领导力博彩平台, has been with Mount Mercy since 2018.

With prior experience as a program manager, 高级质量审核员, 品牌经理, 团队领导专业发展, 兼职教员, 副主任, 和更多的, Rogan brings a wealth of valuable knowledge to the role.

As the Director, Rogan is excited to grow and shape the 业务 & 领导 graduate programs to best fit the needs of students and the demands of our time and business environment. His hope is for students to view the graduate business programs as a test environment for their current or future workplace—putting their education into practice immediately as they move through their program of choice.

He and his wife are self-described serial entrepreneurs, working with their kids on business planning and startups. Some of these ventures include the Potato Project, where they make food and contracts available to businesses and individuals who want to help local food insecurity, 和Clear Creek彩弹游戏.


谢谢你的祝贺. 我真的很兴奋 to be able to serve this university in a full-time fashion.

People gain different things from their educational journey, mine being a realization of the importance of process. The combination of my life experience and the cadence of the undergraduate and graduate programs really connected what had been missing for me. If I can help others in similar situations by showing them how they can access and complete a program like this, I feel I will have done my part in the system.

There is something very rewarding about observing someone figure something out, 我一直很享受这段经历, no matter what organization I have been involved with.

I cannot say that I started out with a goal of becoming an instructor. 但我可以说, by reflecting on my own path up to this point, that each stop along my way has involved helping others get where they needed to be. 教育 is one of those things that 你 can’t really part with once 你 have it, and I enjoy being part of the program that can provide that asset to those who really want it.

我知道我不是总能做到, but I am pretty passionate about doing the right thing by people who are willing to put the work in to better their own situation. I had a guy tell me one time that if 你 help enough people get where they 必须如此, 你会发现自己在哪里 必须如此.

I am passionate about leaving things better than how I found them. 对我们之前的人来说,这不是耻辱, but we do live in a changing world and there are always improvements to be made. I enjoy finding those opportunities and making these improvements a reality.

我也热衷于做真实的自己. 也许是因为我的年龄, 但似乎我们, 作为一个社会, are OK with living in a constant state of trying to be more than we are, 并得到比我们拥有的更多, 无论代价如何. 请不要误会我, as I’m cool with pushing ourselves—but I’m also cool with taking a little bit of time to really figure out who we are, what our individual gifts and strengths are, and using that information to better the situations that life deals us.

我真的很兴奋. There are a lot of changes happening here… I’m a big support of change, as it shows growth. And there is a great support group in place now; I'm very happy to be part of it.

I hope that our test environment will give students a place to try things that they may not feel comfortable with in their current journey. 这种环境支持增长, and if a student leaves here with more than they came with, we’ll be fulfilling a significant part in the system.

I’m also excited about becoming more connected with this university and where that will lead us, as well as the opportunity to hone my own craft as an instructor. I really enjoy seeing that lightbulb come on in the adult learner's mind.

My wife and I are sort of “serial entrepreneurs.” We spend time working with our kids on business planning, start-ups, etc. I’m not 100% they really enjoy these experiences, but I am 百分百确定这对他们有好处. We have a small handful of ventures in the developmental chute right now:

  • 清溪彩弹:彩弹 & 果冻舞会和娱乐
  • The Potato Project: Food and contracts made available to business / individuals who wish to contribute directly to the food insecurity issues in the immediate and surrounding communities
  • Creating systems for growing food for those that need it the most. 我们和一个叫 喂爱荷华第一t for several years to develop food systems that can support someone interested in growing nutritional produce. 这是一个有趣的困境, as traditional farming is capital intensive, and non-traditional farming is labor intensive... It’s our goal to find a nice middle ground and remove the barriers that we’ve run into along the way in our organic farming venture.